All the Kings Horses and All the Kings Men Couldnt Put Charlie Together Again


Humpty Dumpty sabbatum on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a not bad fall;
All the king'south horses and all the rex'due south men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

As the presidential race rages on, Mr. Trump seems to resemble more than and more than the nursery rhyme than a contender for the US presidency: too Trump'south partiality towards walls, he has had his cracking autumn and shattered his campaign.

Equally many of y'all know by now, Trump was caught on record explicitly bragging about sexually assaulting women and getting away with it:

"And when you're a star they let you do it," Trump said. "You can practice annihilation."
"Grab them by the p***y...You lot can do annihilation".

In addition to Trump recounting his attempt to seduce a married adult female by taking her article of furniture shopping of all things, he admits to not beingness able to control himself around beautiful women. "You know I'm automatically attracted to cute -- I just beginning kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't fifty-fifty wait", he said.

Simply wait, it gets worse. Mr. Trump nonchalantly apologized in a statement and said that "this was locker room banter."

You read that right. A presidential candidate has not merely blatantly bragged about sexual violence simply has also dismissed his comments as simply talk. It is this type of language making light of sexual violence that feeds rape civilization in our society. This is not only an insult to women simply to men every bit well. All fathers, husbands and sons should be outraged that this man tries to pass his misogynism every bit normal talk amidst men.

He claims no i respects women more than he does. Well if this is how he respects women, then I'm afraid what he considers disrespecting them is. These lecherous and lewd remarks of a lxx year old grandfather running for president is non only disgusting merely downright scary.

What is even worse is that when asked about the record during Sunday's debate, he deflected and started talking about how awful ISIS is, essentially saying that yes, what he said was bad but ISIS is worse. You know things are taking a turn for the tragic when one uses ISIS as a meter for morality.

As a immature woman, I am non only appalled and disgusted to hear a presidential candidate behave in such a pitiful manner but securely concerned that we have immune this charade to go on for so long. What is even more agonizing is people trying to defend such a misogynistic homo.

Whoever brash Mr. Trump to run for president must have really hated him to look him straight in the middle and enable him in such an endeavor. Friends shouldn't permit unqualified friends run for president.

He claims not to be sexist and racist. Fine, let u.s.a. say he's not, just to humor him. But what has he done to prove him so? Throughout his campaign, Mr. Trump'due south rallies take encouraged violence, instilled misguided fear, and instigated the flight from our American values. Since the 24-hour interval he appear his bid for the presidency, he's managed to scoff, cracking, disrespect, delegitimize and/or ostracize:

  • Mexicans
  • Muslims
  • women
  • African Americans
  • veterans
  • veterans' families
  • immigrants
  • people with disabilities
  • journalists
  • judges
  • prominent members of his own political party
  • and President Obama

In other words, pretty much the unabridged country.

How can we trust someone to make "America great again" who refuses to acknowledge all the things that made America swell in the showtime place. A leader should embrace the beauty of this various state and inspire his/her people toward true greatness, non enable the ugly and empower the grotesque. We demand a president who has the heart to rise above the murky waters of hatred, non stir it.

These contempo developments should not come as a surprise. He has been aptitude on finding new means to embarrass himself, the Republican Party, and the United states. Anyone with an ounce of common sense will tell yous that Donald Trump is nether no circumstances fit for any nation'southward presidency, let lone that of the Us.

For someone who has no bones knowledge of domestic and foreign policy, a fundamental understanding of the United states of america Constitution nor an inkling of how to brand America smashing over again, Mr. Trump is misguidedly confident in his power to become the leader of the free globe. The fact that Republicans are withdrawing their endorsement and had begrudgingly endorsed him in the kickoff place should be enough testify of his unsuitability to occupy the most powerful office in the globe. His childish temperament, inherent lack of tact, mercurial personality and one dimensional mindset brand him an extremely dangerous person to hold office.

Mr. Trump'southward behavior is not only shameful to his party but to all Americans. Mr. Trump can endeavor to repent all he wants and excuse this as something from his past. However, his behavior during the campaign proves that he hasn't changed much over the years. He has consistently fabricated extremely disrespectful remarks towards women from the very start of his entrada.

The truth of the matter is, Trumpty Dumpty has had his peachy fall and all the kings horses and the kings men tin't put this campaign together again. The simply style Mr. Trump tin can make America swell over again is to kindly remove himself from the political arena.


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