Tak and the Power of Juju Funny Moments
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The Pupanunu people
Voiced By: Jason Marsden (first three games) Hal Sparks (other games and TV series), Kari Wahlgren (Baby Tak in TV series special "Destiny Schmestiny")
The main protagonist of the series, Tak is a young, often goofy, but ultimately good-hearted young mystic in training and member of the Pupununu People. When everyone in his village (barring himself and Jibolba, his mentor and shaman of the village) is transformed into sheep by the sinister shaman Tlaloc, Tak finds himself on a mission to prepare his fellow student Lok, the alleged Chosen One, for his inevitable confrontation against Tlaloc. But perhaps it is not truly Lok who is the mighty warrior who will save the village...
In the games
- The Ace: Not in the first game, but by the third, where he's spent time training over the three games and taking his duty as the chosen warrior of the Pupanunu tribe seriously, he's become much more knowledgable and powerful.
- Early Installment Character-Design Difference: In the first game, he is short and has no cape. In the second and third games, he is tall and has a cape.
- Iron Butt Monkey: He walks away from a lot with minimal injury in the games, even a swarm of Nerbils attacking him take a while to finish him off of you fall into the pits of Tlaloc's training grounds.
- The Unchosen One: The first game starts off with Lok getting turned into a sheep, and Tak trying to get him back to normal. Turns out, he's the real one.
- Kid Hero: His exact age isn't made clear in the games, but the animated series confirms that he's a kid.
- The Hero: He starts off the first game as more of a Classical Anti-Hero, but as of the second game he's a full on Hero.
- Nice Guy: For all intents and purposes, Tak doesn't seem to have a mean bone in his body. Even when he is mean, its typically on the behalf of someone else who is getting harmed.
- Only Sane Man: Tak stands out for having his head screwed on straight among the other protagonists.
- Weapon of Choice: He starts out with a club. He eventually graduated to the Spirit Rattle, which allows him to cast juju magic. In the second game, his initial weapon is a "Thwark", which is basically a Blade on a Stick, with the blade being a sawed-off antler. By the third game, he uses spirit blades effortlessly to show his progression as a shaman.
- Simple Staff: The Blowgun, which is long enough to be used to shoot acorns from long distances, whack things and even pole vault.
In the show
- Adaptational Jerkass: While not completely without redeeming qualities, the cartoon makes him more arrogant and prone to using his magic for personal gain.
- Bratty Half-Pint: He's a child who likes to show defiance towards Jibolba and the Chief.
- Butt-Monkey: He frequently suffers misfortunes and gets pushed around.
- Idiot Hero: He makes the Game version of Lok look like a savant.
- Odd Friendship: With Jeera.
- Semi-Divine: The episode "Destiny Schmestiny" reveals that his parents are Aurora Juju and an unknown human man from the Pupanunu, making him half-Juju as a result.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: "Shrink a Dink" reveals that his worst fear is a snake-like predator.
Voiced By: John Kassir (first three games), Lloyd Sherr (other games and TV series)
The respected and wise old shaman of the Pupununu village and the mentor of Tak and Lok. Even though Lok is his first apprentice, he has full trust in Tak, believing he has the potential to become a truly skilled mystic. Despite his old age, Jibolba is an extremely powerful shaman whose relationship with all the Juju gods is second to none.
- Cool Old Guy: He's a super-chill shaman who acts like a cool uncle rather than a mystic.
- Exposition Fairy: Of the first half of The Staff of Dreams.
- Fourth-Wall Observer: He opens the series by creating a connection to "a powerful Juju spirit from another world." Or in other words, giving the player their window into the game. He's also stated to be capable of seeing the player's general surroundings.
- Genre Blindness: A very glaring example. Despite Lok failing terribly at being a hero without trying, to the point that half the first game is devoted to bringing him back to fighting shape, he believes he is still the hero. He also fails to see Tak completing every errand he gives him, one of which is retrieving a soul, as promising. It takes the Big Good Moon Juju flat out telling him Tak's The Chosen One for him to realize he was wrong. He rightfully grows out of it at that point.
- Mentor Archetype: For Tak, who is learning to be a master of Juju energies underneath him.
- Mr. Exposition: Both to Tak and the player, the mysterious being from beyond the screen. He is the one who describes the Pupanunu tribe's ordeal and the prophesy to the player.
- Shapeshifter: Jibolba can turn into a flea. He's called Fleabolba here.
Lok is Jibolba's first apprentice who has been under the shaman's tutelage since he was very young. He is a gifted shaman and many believe he is the great warrior the prophecy speaks of, but, ever since Tlaloc's spell turned him into a sheep as well, Lok's abilities are useless since there's always something preventing him from actually doing anything.
After these events however, he does put his training as The Chosen One and is always willing to try and help Tak, even becoming a playable character in the third game.
In the Games
- The Ace: He's a parody of the concept in the games.
- Broken Ace: Again, parodied. He acts like he's going to solve all the game's problems the moment he's resurrected... and then comes down with Resurrection's Revenge, locking him in Jibolba's bathroom for the next chunk of the game. By the time he's out, the Moon Juju has made it clear he's not the Chosen One.
- Audience Surrogate: In the third game, most tutorials are about Tak constantly reminding him of how to do things.
- Death Seeker: invoked Parodied during the opening of The Great Juju Challenge. While it initially seems like his Can't Catch Up relationship with Tak has finally driven him to kill himself, but in reality he's actually caught up to Tak and gained similar abilities including Tak's respawning as a playable character. He spends a chunk of the opening melodramatically hurling himself to his death for the thrill of it, much to Tak's irritation.
- The Ditz: He's... not all there. A good example is in the opening of The Staff of Dreams, where he manages to distract himself from what he was saying by bouncing his pecs in tune with calling himself "great" and "mighty" until he starts chuckling over how silly the whole thing is.
- Drop the Hammer: Lok uses this in The Great Juju Challenge.
- Dumb Muscle: Very strong, and not very bright.
- Fake Ultimate Hero: He is at first believed to be the Mighty Warrior who will save the Pupanunu people in the first game when it's actually Tak.
- I Just Want to Be Special: To say he's disappointed that he's not the Mighty Warrior would be putting it politely. It gets to the point where he swipes Tak's gear from the first game in the sequel to try and be special... and puts up a valiant effort. He finally gets his wish in The Great Juju Challenge, where he gains similar powers to Tak as his co-op protagonist.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's proud and boastful, but genuinely tries to help, and he actually does sometimes with the best example being the third game, being one of the main characters.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: He sounds like John Wayne but has the body of The Situation.
- Lovable Coward: If something is clearly over his head, he'll often pass it on to Tak instead, but always does try.
- Took a Level in Badass: Becomes somewhat competent in the third game, being Tak's partner.
- Promoted to Playable: He becomes a playable character in the third game as Tak's partner in the Great Juju Challenge.
In the Show
- The Ace: Played Straight unlike the games. Everyone loves him more than Tak, though not entirely without reason seeing as Tak causes almost all the problems the village faces.
- Adaptational Jerkass: He wasn't all that bad in the games, but in the series his redeeming qualities are next to nonexistent.
- The Bully: Its one of the driving forces behind Tak's shenanigans.
- Dastardly Whiplash: He acts like this, but he lacks the mustache.
- Dirty Coward: In opposition to his games counterpart.
- The Ditz: Just as dumb as Chief.
- Flat Character: Unlike his game counterpart, he's just a generic bully.
JB is Jibolba's Brother (seriously, his name is literally "Jibolba's Brother") who lives in a large planetarium far away from the Pupanunu tribe and is an expert in both dreams and the Dream World. Tak and Jibolba seek his help in the second game in hopes of getting a better understanding of Tak's strange dreams since he has taken to studying them out in the desert canyons.
- Adapted Out: He does not appear in the cartoon.
- Demoted to Extra: He's reduced to a single cameo in The Great Juju Challenge.
- Foreshadowing: When Tak mentions the Dream Juju, JB states he has never heard of such a being, which should clue the player into the fact the character might not be on the level, among other hints.
- Fun with Acronyms: Stands for Jibolba's Brother.
- The Hermit: lives out in the desert in an observatory-like home in order to devote time to study dreams.
- Schizo Tech: The source of a good chunk of it. It's implied that he put his intellect towards extreme technological advances because of his inadequacies from being The Unfavorite.
- The Unfavorite: His name is literally the fact that he's his brother's brother. His younger brother's brother. That should tell you how much thought his parents gave him.
- invokedThe Woobie: It takes special kinds of Abusive Parents to not even bother with your name and refer to you just with how you relate to your brother instead. Naturally, it translates to a bit of resentment toward Jibolba when they meet again at his house for the first time in a while.
Spirits/gods of the world the games are set in, Jujus are typically summoned whenever some criteria is met, usually whenever someone uses an idol or magic to manifest them. They are quite the colorful characters who help Tak along in his adventure, sometime without even meaning to.
- Blue-and-Orange Morality: Befitting diverse and inconceivable spirits, they have a wide variety of rules and behaviors which range from marriages between Jujus only lasting a day to using humans as fireworks for celebrations every thousand years. Many have great roles (Moon Juju) while others are mundane and specific that border on useless (Roadkill Juju who likes to get run over). They also are unable to stop the magic of their respective domain and must rely on another Juju to do so. For example, Party Juju cannot stop a party that he starts and relies on Killjoy Juju to do so. All of which are heavily dangerous when insulted and will inflict strange and awful punishments on their offenders.
- Cute Monster Girl: All the male Jujus come in all sorts of unique forms, yet the female Jujus resemble attracive human females.
- The Gods Must Be Lazy / Jerkass Gods : They're all spirits/gods with some degree of power to them, and many of them have the power to back up their monikers, but most of them tend to be very apathetic and wrapped up in their own business than concerned about whatever is going on at the time.
- Mundane Solution: A great number of them allow Tak to proceed through very simple means, which convieniently they don't have to put much effort in. It can range from putting Tak in a barrel and send him downstream, to kicking him over a large gap, to giving him a snowboard.
- Noble Demon: Most are good, or are at least apathetic, but they are honorbound to help the people who summon them if they do something for them, even the most evil among them.
Moon Juju
Voiced By: Tina Illman
A benevolent beautiful goddess who protects the Pupanunu people. Tlaloc imprisons her after rising to power and Tak inevitably frees her as he runs errands for Jibulba and help revive Lok.
- Adapted Out: She is absent in the cartoon.
- Ascended Extra: In The Great Juju Challenge.
- Big Good: The prime Good Juju of the series.
- The Cameo: In the second game, she only appears in one scene.
- Demoted to Extra: In The Staff of Dreams.
- Hot Goddess: Very pretty with a form-fitting blue dress.
- Nice Girl: Jibolba explicitly refers to her as "strong, nice, and beautiful"
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Once she is able to talk to Jibolba, she flat out tells him that Tak is the real hero, and cites his accomplishments to convince him.
- Team Mom: After being freed by Tak she acts as a positive surrogate mother figure, offering him advice, and being very supportive.
A young female Juju and one the Moon Juju's two daughters who helps Tak throughout his journey in the first game.
- Adapted Out: She doesn't appear in the cartoon.
- Exposition Fairy: Of The Power of Juju and the second half of Staff of Dreams.
- Nice Girl: She's one of the most agreeable Juju out there.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to her sister Fauna's Tomboy.
Moon Juju's other daughter and Flora's sister, a wild child with a prankish attitude and an affinity for animals.
- Adapted Out: She is omitted from the cartoon.
- Exposition Fairy: Of the second half of Staff of Dreams.
- Fiery Redhead: Has bright red hair to indicate her fiery personality.
- Promoted to Playable: She is playable on her debut.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to her sister Flora's Girly Girl.
Dead Juju
The Dead Juju is a skeleton Juju who loves parties. He hasn't seen a living person in 1,999 years, and as such is way too eager to make friends.
- Adaptation Name Change: The cartoon calls him Party Juju.
- Dem Bones: A walking skeleton Juju.
- Keet: To an absurd degree.
- Life of the Party: The Juju is dying to party.
- No Indoor Voice: Almost all of his dialogue is spoken very loudly, given the party animal he is.
- Opposites Attract: He is a couple with Killjoy Juju, who exists to end parties while he's all about starting them.
- Promoted to Playable: For the second game's multiplayer.
- Really 700 Years Old: Upon meeting Tak, the Dead Juju states that he hasn't seen a living person in 1,999 years, so he's clearly been around for a long time.
Mind Reader Juju
Voiced By: Rob Paulsen (games), S. Scott Bullock (TV series)
A spiritual genie-like Juju who claims that he can read minds. He speaks with an Indian accent.
- Adaptation Name Change: He is called Psychic Juju in the animated series.
- Telepathy: The Juju can read people's minds... But he's slow to say what they're thinking out loud. While he is helpful, he only seems to make predictions after whomever is talking to him has already said what they want or what they'll do.
Caged Juju
Dinky Juju
A Bratty Half-Pint juju who wants people to take him seriously and be in awe, but his young, adorable look gets awe at how cute he is which infuriates him.
- Berserk Button: Being called "baby" or "little" makes him irate.
- Cute Bruiser: "You ever met a Juju who can make the earth move?!"
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Lampshaded by Tak.
- The One Who Wears Shoes: The only character in the entire series to wear footwear of any kind.
- Vocal Dissonance: Averted in the video games, where Lara Jill Miller uses a high-pitched and child-like voice that matches Dinky Juju's miniscule size, but played straight in the cartoon, where Maurice LaMarche gives Dinky Juju a gruff, masculine voice.
Two-Headed Juju
A dim, bloated, dirty green Juju with two constantly-arguing heads who gives Tak the power of the Chicken Suit by using outhouses.
- Adapted Out: They do not appear in the cartoon.
- Cyclops: Rufus has one eye.
- Fat Idiot: This Juju is large and has two heads, but neither of them are very bright.
- Multiple Head Case: The two heads have separate personalities and are prone to arguing.
Belly Juju
A fat Juju who literally lets his stomach do the talking. The belly part of him is actually the brains of the outfit, while the juju himself is a dumb nitwit. He sends Tak down the river in exchange for a ton of candy.
- Bizarre Alien Biology: Somewhat justified in the fact that he's a spirit, but the Belly can actually eat through the bellybutton, and at one point he even chokes, needing Lok's help.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The Belly constantly makes jabs at the juju, but when the insult begin to make him cry the Belly will apologise. Hes also one of the friendlier Jujus Tak meets in the series.
- Made of Explodium: His favorite candies are extremely volitile, and act like a powderkeg as you get them to him.
- Split Personality: The belly is intelligent but the head is not.
Giant Misunderstanding and Rick
A gigantic Juju guardian that, true to name, will not understand requests due to how tall he is. He summons Rick due to him mishearing Tak, and the guy helps the boy by telling him to say a nonsense sentence the giant mishears as Tak's actual request.
- Adapted Out: Nowhere to be seen in the TV series.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Rick first appeared in the first game via a cameo in the opening.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Only his legs and feet are seen.
- Mondegreen Gag: The Juju has various cases of it by virtue of being too big to hear small people. For example, Tak requests some help with that rift and the Juju says "You want to talk to Rick?"
- Pals with Jesus: Rick, who apparently knows Giant enough to understand what needs to be said to get a desired result.
- Nice Guy: Both of them, with Rick helping Tak and Giant fulfilling requests without any demands beimg made.
Dream Juju/Tlaloc
The Dream Juju is the Juju of the Dream World. He requests Tak of the Pupanunu people to go defeat the Dream Guardian, rescue the princess and use the Staff of Dreams. However, he is actually Tlaloc who wants to steal the Staff.
- Exposition Fairy: In the first half of Staff of Dreams.
- The Reveal: The Dream Juju is actually Tlaloc.
Guardians of Gross
Voiced By: Salli Saffiotti (Debris Juju), S. Scott Bullock (Icky Juju), Fred Tatasciore (Melty Juju), Nolan North (Stinky Juju)
Four Jujus who originally sealed away the four Big G's Trashthulu, Slopviathan, Gorgonzilla and Stinkolossus. Tak has to learn magic from them in order to be able to stop the Big G's and re-seal them after he accidentally releases them.
- Anthropomorphic Food: Melty Juju is essentially an anthropomorphic fondue pot.
- Blob Monster: Icky Juju is a walking pile of purple slime.
- Gasshole: Stinky Juju is very flatulent.
- The Smurfette Principle: Debris is the only female among the Guardians of Gross.
- Violent Glaswegian: Stinky Juju has a Scottish accent and is very belligerent.
Pins And Needles
Tlaloc's two animated voodoo doll henchmen who do the majority of the grunt work for their creator. Pins is a stocky wiseguy while Needles is lean and snarky but has his mouth sewn shut.
- Adapted Out: They are absent in the cartoon, not even appearing in the one episode featuring Tlaloc/Traloc.
- Bumbling Henchmen Duo: They are Tlaloc's two main minions and are both quite the opposite of intelligent.
- Fat and Skinny: Pins and Needles are respectively chunky and lean.
- Fat Bastard: Pins is obese.
- Lean and Mean: Needles is thin.
- Totem Pole Trench: In the second game, they masquerade as the princess of the dream world by standing on top of each other while wearing a hooded cloak and Pins makes his voice sound more feminine.
- The Unintelligible: Needles who simply does not have a mouth, but mumbles. Pins tends to translate.
- Vile Villain, Laughable Lackey: As menacing as Tlaloc can be, these two's constant comical arguing can offset his scariness with much-needed humor.
- Your Head Asplode: Their fate after their boss fight in the first game courtesy off magic. Losing the same fight has them do it to you, as well.
- Unexpected Gameplay Change: Their trademark. both their fights in the first two games are not straight up brawls, change up the gameplay to Wake-Up Call Boss levels.
Spoiler Character for The Great Juju Challenge
Voiced By: Dee Bradley Baker (The Great Juju Challenge), Mitch Watson (TV series)
The Dark Juju Travis, an evil dark juju who impersonates a participant in the third game's challenges. He's the hidden main villain of The Great Juju Challenge. Like Tlaloc, he lusts for the Moon Juju.
- Adaptation Name Change: He is called Darkness Juju in the cartoon.
- Big Bad: He is the one pulling the strings in Tak: The Great Juju Challenge.
- Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: While Travis lusts for the Moon Juju like Tlaloc, he is a corrupt juju who has been placed under house arrest and is known for cheating.
- Death by Adaptation: While the game he appeared in ended with him still alive, Tak ends up vaporizing him at the end of the cartoon's "Destiny Schmestiny" special.
- French Jerk: He's a stalker over Moon Juju and has a noticeable French accent. Not so in the TV series, where he lacks the accent.
- Implicit Prison: Was put under house arrest for stalking the Moon Juju.
- Psychopathic Manchild: His cartoon counterpart reacts to Tak's staff not working under his control like a child whining about a toy not working.
- Tom the Dark Lord: His title is "The Dark Juju" but his actual name is Travis.
- Walking Spoiler: Kinda hard to talk about him without bringing the twist of his game up.
Bartog and Crug
Two shady members of the Black Mist tribe, a rival tribe to the Pupununu people, who face off against Tak and Look during the Great Juju Challenge. Bartog is a large, imposing-looking hooded warrior while Crug is a squat, ugly-looking shaman.
- Adapted Out: Neither of them are even acknowledged in the cartoon.
- Catchphrase: Bartog says "Another glorious victory for the Black Mist" when his team wins.
- Evil Counterpart: Of Lok and Tak. Bartog is a tall buff highly praised warrior while Crug is a short toady Shaman and acts as Bartog's lackey in contrast to Tak and Lok's teamwork.
- Expy: The pair have much in common with Gaston and Lefou, with Bartog being a rude, muscular braggart and his associate Crug being a homely-looking toady who constantly praises Bartog at every turn.
- Large Ham: Bartog.
Stone Crusher and Thunder First
Voiced By: Edie McClurg (Stone Crusher), Mitzi McCall (Thunder Fist)
Two women from the Grammazon tribe.
- Adapted Out: They don't appear in the cartoon.
- False Teeth Tomfoolery: Lok finds out they are much older than they appear when he flirts with them and learns they have dentures.
- Older Than They Look: Even though they look beautiful and youthful, they sound and act like elderly women.
- Punny Name: "Grammazon" is something of a portmanteau of "grandma" and "Amazon", which is very fitting for a tribe of women who are very elderly.
Jib and Jab
Voiced By: JAQ
A pair from the Jibba Jabba tribe.
- Adapted Out: They are absent in the cartoon.
- Starfish Language: They communicate by beatboxing.
The Dream Guardian
A giant gargoyle-like dream creature that keeps a princess locked away in a tower.
- Adapted Out: Never appears in the TV show.
- Big Bad: He is the threat Tak must face in Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams until the reveal.
- Disc-One Final Boss: Once Tlaloc and his allies reveal themselves as the real threats, the Dream Guardian stops being an enemy to Tak.
- King Mook: technically one to all the Nightmare Creatures though its actually benevolent compared to them.
The Nerbils are a race of ugly-looking creatures and are the main enemies in The Power of Juju. Despite appearances, they are vicous and tenacious hunters with a variety of abilities.
- Adapted Out: They do not appear in the cartoon.
- Action Bomb: Some Nerbils have explosives strapped to their heads.
- The Cameo: The DS game Mojo Mistake references them with Nerbil Nip as a collectable item.
- Cartoon Creature: An unholy cross between lizard and mammal.
- Elite Mook: Electric Nerbils, big armored brutes with tusks that naturally, generate eltrical energy.
- Gonk: These guys are quite hideous, to say the least. Bulgy fisheyes, warty skin, snaggly teeth...
- Nothing Is Scarier: Tlaloc's training grounds are infested with Nerbils, and falling into a pit has them attack Tak en masse. You can't see anything except the nerbils glowing red eyes in the darkness as Tak continuously takes damage.
- Fate Worse than Death: After getting the necessary upgrades, you can steal their souls to use in other Shaman magics.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Though considering how nasty the whole race is as a whole, its unlikely the player will think much of it.
- Made of Plasticine: They do take a few hits to kill, especially at the start, but the finishing blow (signified by them spinning into the air with a confused "ee?") will typically have them explode into bloodless gibs when they hit the ground.
- The Usual Adversaries: The main enemies of the first game, they are predatory animals that live everywhere.
Magical Nubu Plants
Vicious humanoid plants whose blooms, located in their mouths, are important magical ingredients. 12 of them exist as minibosses, and they have a variety of attacks.
- Combat Tentacles: Are able to sweep their arenas with thorny tendrils.
- Flunky Boss: They can seed Man-Eating Plants across the arena.
- Mad Bomber: Some like to toss their fruit at Tak, which explode upon hitting the ground.
- Hell Is That Noise: their tell-tale raspy, squealy roars, which they do when beaten. Their Man-Eating Plants also have a distinct distubing shriek.
- Plant Person: They are sentient, since they do taunt you as they fight.
- Unique Enemy: They are the main bosses of the game as you explore the levels, have their own boss theme, and have a variety of moves, with some preferring some attacks over others.
The Woodies are a race of wooden people created by a shaman. They are the main enemies in The Staff Of Dreams.
- Barbarian Tribe: A race of golems that were created by a shaman that has devolved into savagery.
- Demoted to Extra: The main enemies of Staff of Dreams, they are reduced to a single level appearance in The Great Juju Challenge. Averted with the DS exclusive Mojo Mistake, where they serve as the main enemies.
- Floating Limbs: Unlike Rayman, however, they're half-limbless, still missing the neck.
- Plant Person: They are sentient wood folk, to be exact.
Nightmare Creatures
Strange hostile creatures that inhabit dreams. They come in many varieties, and are generally more dangerous than the Woodies in the waking world.
- Adapted Out: They never appear in the cartoon.
- Alluring Anglerfish: An Angler hides itself among a cloud of collectibles, which its yellow lure resembles, it will eat Tak momentarily if he gets too close.
- Elite Mook: To the point of basic Imps being hardly phased by the heroes once Tlaloc manages to bring them about.
- Invisible Monsters: a trait Stalkers and Anglers share is the power to become invisible, requiring Tak to throw stuff at them to stun them.
- Power Parasite: Puffers, which clamp down on Tak's head to drain his mana.
TV Exclusive Characters
- Canon Foreigner: They have never made an appearance in the games, barring the games based on the cartoon itself.
- Anime Hair: Especially in Bad Luck's Back.
- Odd Friendship: With Tak.
- Only Friend: To Tak and Keeko.
- Only Sane Woman: Of the TV series.
- Sibling Rivalry: Her sister is never nice to her or Tak.
- Perky Goth: Just look at her.
- The Unfavorite: Jeera often bemoans that her father appears to prefer her older sister Zaria.
- The Ditz: He's not very bright.
- Dumbass Has a Point: In spite of his idiocy, he sometimes comes up with a good idea, like when he suggests finding a way to shrink the enlarged sheep that are devouring the village in "Great Juju Impersonator".
- Gonk: He has a unibrow, buck teeth and a round nose.
- Only Friend: He is the only friend of Tak and Jeera.
Log Hermit
Mask Guy
Voiced By: Lloyd Sherr
- The Faceless: We never see what he looks like without the mask, apparently because his real face is too handsome for mortal eyes.
- The Unintelligible: Because of his giant mask, everything he says comes out as indecipherable mumbles.
Voiced By: Megan Cavanagh
- Abhorrent Admirer: She loves Lok, but Lok is repulsed by her attraction.
- Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher: When Jibolba hires her to babysit Tak in "Jibolba the Babysitter", she treats Tak as if he were a little kid.
- Anti-Hero: While he isn't very nice, he is still technically on Tak's side and trusts Tak to use his magic to solve problems fairly often.
- Bad Boss: Has a lot of people on his side and has a nasty temper.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Prone to threatening Tak with banishment for minor slights.
- The Ditz: More stupid than dimwitted.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": He's the chief but everyone calls him Chief.
- Evil Laugh: Has one in Love Hurts
- Fat Bastard: Overweight and just plain unpleasant.
- Fat Idiot: He makes Lok look erudite.
- Gonk: Not the best looking guy.
- I Want Grandkids: When it is believed that Tak is destined to marry his daughter Zaria in "To Zaria with Love", he comments that he's looking forward to having grandchildren.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: At times he can turn into this.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He is often unreasonable and harsh, but he does care for his daughters and will sometimes be nice to Tak.
- Non-Standard Character Design: He looks more like King Hippo from Punch-Out!!.
- Only Sane Man: Views himself as this. But really, he's not.
Voiced By: Dannah Feinglass
- Alpha Bitch: While Lok is the village bully, she is this.
- Sibling Rivalry: She and her sister Jeera tend to get in squabbles.
- Smug Snake: Thinks highly of herself just because she's the Pupununu Chief's oldest daughter.
Killjoy Juju
Voiced By: Mary Birdsong
- Cyclops: She has one eye.
- Opposites Attract: Her thing is ending parties while her significant other is Party Juju.
Chief Zogsnob
- Berserk Button: He gets peeved off every time people call him Chief of the Swollen People rather than Swollen River People.
- Disney Villain Death: His second appearance in "Chief?" ends with him falling to his presumed death.
- Jerkass: You know he's mean when he makes the Pupununu Chief look way nicer.
- Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up: He and Chief Tina-Tina picked on the Pupununu Chief when they were children and are still mean to him when they are adults.
Chief Tina-Tina
Voiced By: Melanie Chartoff
- Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up: She and Chief Zogsnob picked on the Pupununu Chief when they were children and are still mean to him when they are adults.
Blod and Bleeta
Voiced By: Rene Mujica (Blod), Kari Wahlgren (Bleeta)
- Rich Bitch: They are the children of the wealthy Ungatanka family and are very mean to Tak and Jeera.
Repulsive Juju
- Gasshole: He farts constantly.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: His debut episode is about him wanting friends despite his grossness.
Spider Juju
- French Jerk: He has a French accent and likes to eat humans.
- Giant Spider: He's a huge spider monster.
- To Serve Man: In his debut episode, he wanted to eat Zaria.
Bug Juju
- Asshole Victim: His episode ends with him getting stepped on by Lok, but since he was forcing the Pupununu people to perform his poorly-written musical without adequate time to prepare and threatened to let swarms of insects harm the Pupununu if they didn't do so, his fate is rather well-deserved.
- It's All About Me: His biggest ambition is creating a musical about himself.
Judge Juju
- Interspecies Romance: She marries the human Jibolba in "Step Juju", but the marriage only lasts a day because Juju marriages traditionally end at sunrise.
- Judicial Wig: Like most depictions of judges, she wears a powdered wig.
- Lady Looks Like a Dude: She is a female Juju, but you wouldn't know from looking at her and Lok mistakes her for a man.
- Plant Person: She's a sentient ear of corn.
- Like an Old Married Couple: The bull and dragon heads have the dynamic of a married couple who have been together for years and frequently get into spats.
- Mix-and-Match Critters: The Buldrafish is a Chimera-like being with three heads, one being a bull, one a dragon and one a fish.
- Multiple Head Case: The heads have separate personalities and sometimes get into squabbles.
Roadkill Juju
- Of Corpse He's Alive: Tak and Keeko fear that they'll get in trouble for running him over while taking Jeera's J-Runner for a joyride and move his unconscious body around to convince everyone he's not dead.
- Suddenly Speaking: After spending most of his screentime as an apparent corpse, the episode he appears in reveals at the end that Tak and Keeko didn't kill him and that he likes getting run over. Judge Juju then asks how he liked it when she ran him over and he speaks a reply.
Devour Brothers
Voiced By: S. Scott Bullock
- Agony of the Feet: Tak defeats Big Brother Devour by poking his foot with the tip of his staff.
- Reused Character Design: Aside from the fact that most of them are way tinier and Big Brother Devour is completely gigantic, they are identical to the Caged Juju.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch and Yeti: He looks like a yeti with polka dots.
- Does Not Know His Own Strength: He wants to play with the Pupununu, but doesn't understand that his great size and strength makes the games he wants to play extremely dangerous for his desired playmates.
The Chosen One
Voiced By: S. Scott Bullock
- The Chosen Zero: He is touted as the one destined to defeat the Darkness Juju (with Tak merely chosen to be his assistant), but turns out to be a total idiot and is ultimately defeated by the Darkness Juju instead.
- Plant Person: He's a sapient carrot.
- Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: He ends up betraying Darkness Juju to assist Tak and friends because of how poorly Darkness Juju treated him.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: He can change himself to look like anyone, which is used against Darkness Juju by impersonating Aurora Juju.
Aurora Juju
Voiced By: Danielle Schneider
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: She appears to be the cartoon's interpretation for Moon Juju, given that she looks like Moon Juju with wings and antennae, has a connection to Tak and is an unrequited object of affection for Darkness Juju.
Alternative Title(s): Tak 2 The Staff Of Dreams, Tak The Great Juju Challenge, Tak And The Guardians Of Gross
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/TakAndThePowerOfJuju
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